


Want to see more of what’s been going on here at Reclaimer College Church? Check out our latest blog posts here - we’ll try to always include the latest news/updates, as well as snapshots of life here at Reclaimer here in our posts!

Covocational ministry

Video about Covocational Ministry

What does it look like to live on the Gospel mission in this day and age? Is it possible to live out the Great Commission while holding down a full-time job and raising children? Covocational ministers have regular jobs, but they are also wholly devoted ministers of the Gospel.

In the video on the left, some of our ordinary members (not pastors or full time staff) share how and why they choose to live on mission. Check out their stories of the highs and lows of covocational ministry, and how it’s possible to live out a life of ministry in the context of a church family that’s doing life together.

My life as a minister

Here are stories of our church members living out the Great Commission in this day and age.